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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission
Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 5:30pm
1 Agenda Items
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City Plan Phase 4 Update
The purpose of this study session is to provide Planning Commission with an update on the City Plan process and to have a discussion with commissioners regarding the content included in the fourth phase of City Plan public engagement.
City Council – Study Session
Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 6:30pm
4 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - MEMO - City Plan Update
The purpose of this study session is to provide City Council with an update on the City Plan process and to have a discussion with council members regarding the content included in the fourth phase of City Plan public engagement. Phase 4 includes a set of tools that the city can use to guide public and private investment to align with community priorities. It also examines how these tools might be used in different locations around Wheat Ridge and maps out what implementation might look like after adoption of the plan. Attachment 1 is content provided by the City Plan consultant, czb, which includes the details of the City Plan to support this study session.
Item No. 2 - MEMO - 39th West St Improvement Project
In March 2023, the city began a planning study of the 38th Avenue corridor between Youngfield Street and Kipling Street with the goals of improving the roadway to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists, while still accommodating vehicular traffic, as well as providing improved stormwater drainage. The study combined public input with technical analysis to develop a recommended alternative for the corridor. Staff will provide City Council with the results of the third round of public input, provide information on the Xcel overhead line undergrounding cost, and seek concurrence on the preferred direction for final design.
Item No. 3 - MEMO - HCA HealthONE Proposal
The City received a request from HCA HealthONE LLC and its affiliate HCA HealthONE Rose to amend the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow for freestanding emergency departments (FSED) in the City and for the development of a health park at the northwest corner of 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard.
City Council – Special Study Session
Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 7:00pm
2 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No. 1 - Fruitdale School Lofts
On November 28, 2016, City Council approved an Amended and Restated Development Agreement with the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA) and Fruitdale School Partners LLC (FSP), for the redevelopment of Fruitdale School into a sixteen-unit residential development with five of those units restricted as affordable. The investment from the City and the WRHA into this project assisted in the preservation and rehabilitation of a National Registered historic property and the creation of affordable rental units for Wheat Ridge residents. FSP is in active negotiations to sell this property to Foothills Regional Housing. A sale of this property will impact the terms and conditions of the Agreement the City and WRHA entered into with FSP.
City Council – City Council Meeting
Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 6:30pm
7 Agenda Items
Virtual and In-Person
Public's Right to Speak
Item No 1a - RESO - 2024 Carryovers
There are 67 open purchase orders from the 2024 budget that will be carried over to the 2025 budget. Each purchase order is associated with a specific project that was not fully completed in the 2024 fiscal year. The funds which were encumbered for these purchase orders were transferred to the unreserved fund balance of the relevant fund when the purchase orders were closed. To continue or close out these projects in 2025, a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $5,164,449 is necessary to allow transfer of these funds into specific budget line items in the 2025 Budget.
Item No. 1b - RESO - Transfer funds from 2E to 2J
In discussions with Council prior to the 2J bond issuance, it was agreed that $7.4 million of the $12.6 million 2E Fund balance would be used to pay down the 2017 bonds. At that time, the remaining debit service on the 2017 bonds was approximately $12.4 million. The additional $5.0 million needed to completely pay off the 2017 bonds was included in the $38.7 million 2J bond issuance proceeds. City Staff believed the $5.0 million payoff would be made through escrow, rather than an expense to the City. Rather, the $5.0 million was included in the total amount of 2J bond issuance proceeds that the City received and the payoff is considered a 2E expense. Therefore, in order to be fully transparent with the community and to comply with the City’s budgetary procedures, a supplemental appropriation and transfer of funds is necessary.
Item No. 2 - RESO - IGA Legacy Metro Dist
City Council is asked to approve the Service Plan and Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the Legacy Metropolitan District Nos. 1-12, a taxing district to be used to finance certain improvements for the Lutheran Legacy Campus redevelopment. Service Plan approval is the means by which the City oversees the creation of such districts, which are ultimately approved for formation by the district court.
Item No. 3 - ORD - Unclaimed Property
The Colorado state treasurer's office has advised the City of a state statute govering unclaimed property. The statute referenced is the Colorado Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, CRS 38-13-101 et seq. (the “Act’). The Act generally requires holders of unclaimed property, such as the City, to disburse unclaimed cash and cash instruments to the state treasurer. The City may exempt itself from the Act, but only if it has adopted a local ordinance concerning unclaimed property which conflicts with the Act. This ordinance revises Code sections to comply with the Act while perserving the City’s authority to dispose of unclaimed property. The ordinance simplifies the Code sections on disposition of unclaimed property generally and property held by the police department.
Item No. 4 - MOTION - appoint Boards and Commissions
As of March 2, 2025, the terms of twenty-one Board, Commission, and Committee members of the City of Wheat Ridge will expire. Additionally, there are six existing vacancies to fill which include seats on the Board of Adjustment, Parks and Recreation Commission, Community Partners Grant Program, and the IDEA Committee. These twenty-seven positions in total are to be filled or reappointed.
Item No. 5 - MOTION - contract Charles Abbott Associates
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. has provided Building Division services for the City of Wheat Ridge since 2018 under a contract that ends in March 2025. A competitive procurement process for Building Division services occurred in late 2024 resulting in this award.
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 6:30pm
1 Agenda Items
Virtual and in-person. Click for more information.
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Lutheran Legacy Campus Rezoning
City-initiated rezoning of the former Lutheran Hospital campus to the new Mixed Use - Lutheran Legacy Campus (MU-LLC) zone district. The new MU-LLC zone district and regulations were approved by City Council at a public hearing on January 27, 2025.
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