City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Consent Agenda
Item No. 1a - Motion - WEX Fuel Card
Item No. 1b - MOTION - Senergy Fuel Encumbrance
Item No. 1c - MOTION - Salt Purchase
Item No. 1d - MOTION - Custodial Service
Item No. 1e - RESO - ROW Maintenance
Item No. 1f - RESO - IGA Jeffco Crime Lab
Item No. 1g - MOTION - CIRSA Payment
Item No. 1h - MOTION - CEBT Payment
Public Hearings and Ordinances on Second Reading
Item No. 2 - ORD - PMUD Zone at Clear Creek Crossing
Item No. 3 - ORD - Natural Medicine
Item No. 4 - ORD - Amend Prospect Park Plan
Ordinances on First Reading
Item No. 5 - ORD - Lutheran Legacy Campus Regulations
Item No. 6 - ORD - Boards and Commissions
Item No. 7 - ORD - Model Traffic Code
Item No. 8 - ORD - Police Pension Plan
Decisions, Resolutions, and Motions
Item No. 9 - Mayor Pro Tem
Item No. 10 - RESO - Official Posting Location
Item No. 11 - RESO - Climate Emergency
Item No. 12 - RESO - WR Prosperity Plan
∙ Approved 8-0
∙ Agenda item 13 of 20
Item No. 5 - ORD - Lutheran Legacy Campus Regulations
This ordinance creates a new Article XIV (14) in Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws that establishes a new zone district, the Mixed-Use Lutheran Legacy Campus (MU-LLC) zone district. The zone district regulations establish development standards for the future redevelopment of the former hospital site based on the adopted Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan and City Council consensus. Approval of this ordinance will allow for the Lutheran Legacy Campus to be rezoned to the new MU-LLC zone district in the future.
Item No. 5 - ORD - Lutheran Legacy Campus Zone
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