City Council Meeting
Study Session
4 items Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 6:30pm How To Join Remotely
Agenda item 2 of 4
Item No. 1 - MEMO - Model Traffic Code
“Because of the significant mobility of today’s traffic and the influx of motorists from many areas, every driver has a right to expect the rules governing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and highways are clearly defined and reasonably uniform throughout the state and the nation. The General Assembly of the State of Colorado has recognized that conflicts between the state’s traffic laws, and municipal traffic ordinances lead to inconsistencies in the movement of traffic and has strengthened the requirements for uniformity of traffic regulations.” (Model Traffic Code for Colorado 2024-Colorado Department of Transportation) The City of Wheat Ridge is bound by the laws and guidance of the State of Colorado and as such, we are required to periodically review the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Traffic Code to ensure conformance with the state mandate as a subservient or secondary traffic management plan to the State of Colorado Traffic Ordinances. The Wheat Ridge Police Department periodically reviews the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code to align with state traffic code changes and ensure consistency across all Colorado roads. The newest version of the Colorado Model Traffic Code was adopted and installed in 2024. The updated Model Traffic Code re-enforces and provides additional guidance and resources to serve more comprehensively those who use the roads in Colorado as well as those who utilize the roads within Wheat Ridge. The newest guidance, changes, and updates along with the addition of new technology and resources will allow Wheat Ridge employees (Police and Courts) to address emerging trends and driving behaviors that have become problematic within Wheat Ridge. The addition of new vehicle technology, cultural attitudes, and intentions was the impetus of many of the changes in the 2024 Model Traffic Code. The ability to address more comprehensively those driving behaviors and trends allows Wheat Ridge employees the opportunity to ensure our community safety and advance the city’s core values with persons using the roads within the Wheat Ridge community.


Item No. 1 - MEMO - Model Traffic Code ( 1.66 MB )
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