City Council Meeting
City Council Meeting
Public's Right to Speak
Public Hearings and Ordinances on Second Reading
Item No. 1 - RESO - Budget Adoption
Ordinances on First Reading
Item No. 2 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws ROW and licensing
Item No. 3 - ORD - amend WR Code of Laws contract licensing
Item No. 4 - ORD - sale of City property
Decisions, Resolutions, and Motions
Item No. 5 - RESO - Mill Levy
Item No. 6 - RESO - amend Parks and Rec Master Plan
Item No. 7 - MOTION - OpenGov contract
∙ Approved 8-0
∙ Agenda item 5 of 8
Item No. 4 - ORD - sale of City property
The City was approached by Kyle and Erin Ballew for a proposed retail development, DOP’s Sweet Spot, at the southwest corner of 38th Avenue and Johnson Street. The 29,810 square foot parcel is owned by the City of Wheat Ridge and was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development in 2008. Permitted uses on the subject property include any land use allowed in the City’s Restricted Commercial zone district. This proposed retail use would be a permitted use. Only 25,378 square feet of the parcel would be sold and the remaining 4,432 would be retained by the City for regional drainage.
Section 16.5 of the City Charter states that “The City shall not sell or dispose of municipally owned buildings or real property for a public purpose, without first obtaining the approval, by ordinance, of three-fourths of the entire council.”
Item No. 4 - City owned Real Estate Sale
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Item No. 5 - RESO - Mill Levy